Super-blood-moon! First it steals your mind, and then it steals your…soul! (Sung to the tune of Soundgarden’s Superunkown)…
- NASA to announce Mars mystery solved at major press conference being held today. But which mystery? Hopefully this one. Or at least this one. Or maybe they actuall found Bigfoot on Mars after all?
- The world’s oldest papyrus and what it can tell us about the Great Pyramid. No mention of ancient alien builders, for one.
- First pictorial representation of Göbekli Tepe found in museum.
- Pre-Roman tomb found at Pompeii.
- There is no such thing as cultural appropriation.
- Mother Nature invented the gear well before humans.
- Arctic doomsday seed vault has lots of back-up copies of cannabis. Though if this is the post-apocalyptic future, I’m not sure I want to be stoned…
- British Ministry of Defence DID investigate mass UFO sightings in Welsh village.
- TV ghost hunters found dead in apartment.
- College to study the ‘nonsense’ utterances that precede death.
- NASA technology helped create this alien typeface.
- The long search for elusive ripples in space-time.
- New garment senses when people are looking at it.
- Deflating: 17 years and $2.7billion later, the Pentagon’s high-tech blimps have failed to deliver on promise.
- The war over genome editing just got a lot more interesting.
- Industrial farming is one of the worst crimes in history.
- Biggest moon myths for the ‘supermoon’ total lunar eclipse.
- Image of the Day: The Veil Nebula – cosmic eye candy!
Thanks @anomalistnews.
Quote of the Day:
Language exerts hidden power, like the moon on the tides.
Rita Mae Brown