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Skyline looks to be a half-cheesy, half-totally awesome (contradiction intended) science fiction movie laden with visual effects. The latest trailer seems to merge abduction lore with Lovecraftian aliens and a generous helping of District 9/Independence Day /V aliens-hovering-above-us vibe:

Skyline is in cinemas in November. Check out the movie’s website for more info.

  1. Lovecraftian
    IMO those aliens look more Transformersy than Lovecraftian —for truly Lovecraftian aliens, we’ll need to wait & see what Del Toro’s mind channeled for Mountains of Madness.

    PS: Also, the time of the invasion —4:27— a truly Lovecraftian invasion would start at the Witchy hour: 3:00 am 😉

  2. Looks Good!
    I like it. Looks like they’re kicking our ass, which is exactly what would happen if a more advanced civilization came here with ill intentions. We’re barely out of the stone age, only 40 years into the space age. We’ll see how it ends up – if a virus defeats them, or a drunk camper driving former abductee discovers their weakness!

  3. 2010 – The year we make contact?
    I was blown away with Close Encounters back in 1977. It was the first movie to come out of Hollywood that treated the subject of UFOs and abductions with something more than – the b-rate standard – people running into the streets in terror as the flying saucers visited death-rays and robots.

    It also suggested that ET might not be as subject to violence as those naked apes they were addressing. And this is still a rather neglected concept… especially here in this, our 21st century where war and gunplay is glorified in nearly every media.

    If we kill and maim and pillage and plunder for greed and material wealth, why shouldn’t the aliens? To suggest otherwise would be to magnify our faults and strip us of our preferred civilized veneer.

    But strictly for entertainment? ID4 was quite a show… and one I recycle regularly from my DVD library.

  4. Recycled McGuffins
    Hollywood is so bankrupt of ideas that it is either remakes, sequels, or re-cycled themes.

    If anyone does have a new McGuffin for a movie, word gets out on the grapevine and you get about 2-3 similar movies in the works at the same time, with release dates shortly after the original.

    Personally, I like “Ron Jeremy is Richard Kieninger”, but there’s a question of if he can perform the 70 sex scenes, and if he’ll shave off his mustache, loose weight, and have his back waxed.

  5. Enough with the aliens and their invasions…
    It looks well made and all, but for me this is becoming madness!
    How many movies about aliens and invasions are coming out in the next 12 months? Not to speak of TV shows starting or ongoing that also focus on this matter.
    This spells out BRAINWASH (MK Ultra or whatever brand they’re selling now)!
    They either come forth with their false flag invasion (that so many are already talking about) or they disclose the matter…
    But enough with these tired old clichés.
    I completely agree that Hollywood is bankrupt on ideas but this matter goes beyond that. It is serving a hidden agenda.
    Just my opinion but I believe that all this is more than coincidence or just trying to cash in…

    Cuique sum.



    1. Lie to me. Please!

      “How many movies about aliens and invasions are coming out in the next 12 months? Not to speak of TV shows starting or ongoing that also focus on this matter.
      This spells out BRAINWASH (MK Ultra or whatever brand they’re selling now)!
      They either come forth with their false flag invasion (that so many are already talking about) or they disclose the matter…”

      This is a worthy point because as much as so many of us in the paranormal/conspiracy/etc. community distrust big brother, we all seem absolutely headlong into believing whatever comes from it.

      Hell, this subject is over-ripe and primed for deception.

    2. Just a movie maybe
      Hey everybody, it might just be a movie. True – conspiracies exist and I don’t trust the government – or the fools that make up the government anyway – self serving every last one. But there really are only two types of alien movies one can make: bad aliens here to do us bad, or good benevolent aliens – not much one can do with that story – ET’s been done. The movie might just be 2 hours of escapism.

      Hollywood bankrupt on ideas? Well there are only so many stories afterall – I forget what the number is, like 10 and then everything else is just variatons on these basic stories. Once you get big budgets, producers, studios, writers and who knows who involved, they all get watered down and commercialized. That’s why the small independent low budget films are so much better.

      Even the TV show “The Event”. Is it disclosure? Who knows, but it’s really badly made/written. Skyline looks fun based on the trailer – if one suspends their disbelief, of course I hate both the Transformers movies – awful, and this may go that direction…

      1. ET
        I don’t know if ET has really cornered the market on benevolent ET movies. Maybe the ET’s are like stuffed animals movie. Close encounters was closer, but no one has yet made the Close Encounters sequel – where those benevolent aliens make themselves known to the entire population. Or at the very least, what it’s like on the benevolent aliens’ spaceship. Instead aliens are eeeevil. I don’t necessarily think it’s conspiracy or conditioning, just that it’s easier to blow things up and probably easier to turn a profit without taking new chances.

        1. Close Encounters
          Actually, the sequel to Close Encounters would be that, after Richard Dreyfuss character is placed on a cage inside the mother ship, someone yells “OK, strike down ‘Earth’ from the list”; and THEN they go and blow the rest of us.

          It would probably be a very short sequel 😉

          I think one movie that portrayed “gray” aliens —not angelic or demonic, but kind of in-between— was Cameron’s The Abyss.

          In the director’s cut of that movie [spoiler alert] the 2 superpowers are on the brink of war, and the jellyfish-like aliens produce a megatsunami that’s about to destroy Los Angeles and all the major cities.

          and then they stop it.

          A very powerful way to say “look, you pests: this is OUR planet. so play nice, or else

          Maybe you could say the same of Klaatu, you know? he comes and says “we don’t care if you keep killing each other the way you have been doing it for thousands of years, but if you attempt to spread your shenanigans off-world, you are gonna get the belt!”

          So there can be a niche for in-between aliens in cinema 😉

      2. There are more than two types
        Hi Greg –

        There are more than two types of alien movies. I know because I’ve been trying to place a treatment for a tv series based on a third type for many years now, which is registered with the WGA.

        Sir Arthur Clarke’s agent advised me to go to Hollywood and network, along with his very polite “No” as far as representing an aged “unknown” to tv production houses.

        The market for written SF is dead, and thus Hollywood has nothing there to mine. Yep, they’re bankrupt. The current joke is that Cameron is working on Titanic, the sequel.

        While pilots run about $6 M, a pilot for my series could be done for far far less. I intentionally designed it that way, for the cable sf channels.

        The treatment was set in the 1970’s, and that is 40 years ago now.
        I am wondering now, however, if the structure that I used was too linked to the market of the time, and times have moved on, so the treatment and characters may need upgrading to current times.

        But that is pretty far down in my to do list right now, and I am not the writer I once was.

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