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Adiós to the Red Pills of the Week

Because everything that has a beginning, has an end. Today I close another chapter in my life, with the final edition of my weekly column at Mysterious Universe, the Red Pills of the Week.

Mind you, this does not mean I will stop my role as contributor for MU; now instead of a regular column comprising of a top-ten of top-five news recap, my articles will be centered on a single subject, which may or may not deal with a trending topic. More bang for your buck, as it were.

Speaking of bangs, I decided to properly say good-bye to the RPotW with a final batch of red pills, but instead of the usual flavor, these ones have a much more personal & nuanced taste: A collection of ‘tips’ or recommendations, from someone who’s been on this journey of discovery, which would hopefully come in handy to any potential newcomer.

Jack in & join me for one last spin aboard the Nebuchadnezzar –as always, black trench coats are optional.

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