How do you do scientific research on the topic of UFOs and get it published in a journal, without shredding...
310 results for
jacques vallee
Want a signed copy of Jacques Vallee’s Passport to Magonia? Less than two weeks left to enter our competition! Stanford...
Congrats to Wil T. on winning our Crowleymas competition! Human history gets a rewrite. Archaeologists cast doubt on ‘oldest’ evidence...
Know thyself… Why people believe COVID conspiracy theories: could folklore hold the answer? Apocalypse Now: On vaccination, Revelation, and the...
Live life on the edge… First came a quake in Mexico, then strange blue lights. People feared the apocalypse. Related:...
Official government interest in psychic phenomena (both in the United States and the former Soviet Union) remains a controversial topic...
Donald Henry Rumsfeld died on June 29th at his home in Taos, New Mexico, from multiple myeloma. He was 88....
Last month one of the greatest UFO celebrities you might have probably never heard of departed our third dimension: Timothy...