Excerpted from Mike Jay’s Stranger Than Fiction, available in Kindle and paperback editions from Amazon. The monumental ruins of Chavín de Huantar, ten thousand...
Over the last half century, the west coast of America has been a counter-cultural heartland, hosting important moments in the...
Can psychedelic experiences help us understand and explore the mystery of the near-death experience (NDE)? Cultures around the world have...
“I saw Bigfoot once. 1951, back in Sequoia National Park. Had a foot on him thirty-seven inches heel to toe....
Teotihuacán is without a doubt one of the most popular archeological centers in all of Mexico. Just last year, according...
In 1992, neuroscientist Richard Davidson traveled with a team of scientists into the Himalayan mountains, lugging hundreds of pounds of...
We Westerners believe in the power of names. We like to live under the impression that naming a thing gives...
Just last week RPJ wrote here on the Grail about new clinical trials on the use of psilocybin – the...