When the film Blueberry (also titled Renegade in the U.S.) was released in 2004, many praised its authentic depiction of...
In his book The Long Trip: A Prehistory of Psychedelia (Amazon US and Amazon UK), Paul Devereux recounts the theory that imagery...
by Dr David Luke All that glitters is not gold. Such a maxim might well serve any psychic voyager on...
As mentioned here a few weeks ago, the 2019 Breaking Convention was held at the University of Greenwich from 16-18...
If you’re in the U.K. (or close enough nearby) and interested in shamanism, psychedelia, altered states of consciousness and parapsychology,...
Any scientist who wants to study ‘heretical’ research areas such as parapsychology knows the risk that doing so poses to...
Over the last two decades, the hallucinogenic tryptamine DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine) has moved from being one of the more obscure psychedelics...
Celebrating 10 Years of Mike Clelland’s Hidden Experience (Plus Exclusive Excerpt From His New Book)
If you spend as many years studying and obsessing about UFOs as yours truly has —“life well spent!” *yells in...