Nick Cross is a Canadian animator who worked as art director for the TV series Over the Garden Wall and...
American comic & writer Neal Brennan belongs to a very exclusive niche of the modern comedy pantheon. In 2003 he...
The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name is a new book from author/researcher Brian Muraresku...
When discussing individuals who have successfully managed to blur the boundaries between Art and Magic, we might immediately think of...
For more fascinating stories like this one, like the Daily Grail on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. On a...
Last year film director Alan Stivelman released the English version of his documentary Witness of Another World (Testigo de Otro...
Follow the Daily Grail on Facebook and on Twitter. The last half century has seen humanity take its first, tentative...
We’ve written previously here on the Grail a number of times about the rebirth in recent decades of the use...