Crop circle website Swirled News awakes from its slumber with another burst of updates to mark the end of the...
Star Stream research has an interesting interview with well-known ‘circle-maker’ John Lundberg, titled “Confessions of a Crop-Circle Maker“. Lundberg and...
Being interested in ‘alternative’ topics can be a weary affair at times. Trying to find the middle ground between the...
The 2006 Glastonbury Symposium kicks off this weekend. Speakers include Alan Alford, Andy Thomas and Graham Hancock – the event...
The always informative crop circle website Swirled News has stirred to life for 2006, announcing a (late) start to this...
In the lead-up to this week’s release of The Da Vinci Code movie, The Scotsman is offering a series of...
The Scotsman has an interesting piece regarding the enigmatic Rosslyn cubes and the alleged musical code that can be found...
Fresh from the press is news that researchers in Bosnia — led by Semir Osmanagic — have unearthed geometrically-cut stone...