In April, 69 Discordian pilgrims set off on a journey, perhaps better described as a mass magical act, from the...
Forget Avengers: Endgame, and the final series of that TV show with dragons and thrones…this is what we’ve all really...
A couple of days ago I found a very interesting tweet on my feed. It was written in Spanish, and...
In the most recent release of our Darklore anthology series (Darklore X, available now from Amazon), Blair MacKenzie Blake writes...
Magick, as it is presented in modern pop culture, is nearly always an ancient thing: dusty books, Latin incantations, secret...
There are likely not many experiences more terrifying than an episode of sleep paralysis. Waking in a darkened bedroom, unable...
Artist Candice Angelini was working as a nurse when she abruptly felt she should quit to pursue a life of...
“Astrology can’t be real, because there is no known mechanism in physics to explain planetary influence at astronomical distances.” That’s...