Today, December 28th –or yesterday, depending on your geographical location– our own Greg Taylor, Grand Kahuna here at the Daily...
It was in the mid-Nineties when my sister Verónica, who was working for an important Mexican bank at the time,...
The official wolf hunting season in Britain once ran between late December and late March, but by all accounts the beasts were more-often-than-not killed whenever the opportunity arose. Indeed, wolves seem to have been hunted in the British Isles for as long as they and humans co-existed, but exactly when that period came to an end is a matter of some debate.
Looking for an interesting book on topics at the fringes of science and history to give at Xmas (or for...
Looking for some interesting reading matter on topics at the fringes of science and history? Why not grab one of...
How much can you connect with other people without the benefit of seeing them face to face, shaking their hands,...
Several websites have picked up on the story of Robbie Barrat, an AI researcher at Stanford who trained a Generated...
Over the past couple of days, folks have been abuzz with talk of Elon Musks’s upcoming Falcon Heavy launch, replete...