The events of the past 24 hours are yet another reminder that humanity is at a crossroads, suffering from an...
Elon Musk is Accumulating Assets Purely to Fund His Dream of Making Humans a Multi-Planetary Species
Last year we reported on Elon Musk’s grand dream of making humans a multiplanetary species, which he detailed in a...
Written by John Higgs Wednesday just gone (18th of January) was the birthday of the late great American agnostic Robert...
They say that great beasts once roamed this world, as big as mountains. Yet all that’s left of them is...
Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality? Thematically, this question is – I think – perhaps the most...
Here’s your dose of crazy for the day: American skydiver Luke Aikins jumped from a plane at 25,000 feet with...
Looking for a pet who, instead of needing to be cleaned up after, does the cleaning? The future might provide...
Earth: a Prison Planet. A planetary panopticon where the convicts happily write their own police files and track their own...