Several websites have picked up on the story of Robbie Barrat, an AI researcher at Stanford who trained a Generated...
In the modern, scientific age the word ‘imagination’ tends to have a sense of being the inverse of ‘reality’ –...
I want to believe. But maybe I shouldn’t want to, as finding alien life – of The X-Files type, or even...
The internet had it’s collective mind blown today when Elon Musk’s SpaceX undertook a test-launch of its ‘Falcon Heavy’ rocket...
HBO’s sci-fi series Westworld has been on hiatus for the past year, but season 2 returns in April this year...
An essay by Mark Pesce ——————– Magic is the cheat codes for the world, sending a signal to reality’s operating...
The trouble with making more efficient weaponry is that eventually your enemies will get access to the same technology, and...
Is the advance of science ultimately a good thing for humanity? It’s a difficult question to resolve – on the...