On July 25, 2024, Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for the presidential election in the United States, selected as his...
Ancient Apocalypse, a documentary series based on the research of alternative history author Graham Hancock (and hosted by him as...
Last month, after plenty of build-up and some delays, author Graham Hancock and archaeologist/lost civilization skeptic Flint Dibble finally sat...
Late last year the ancient site of Gunung Padang in Indonesia garnered worldwide media attention after the publication of a...
Perhaps one of the most bizarre events in modern music history occurred on August 23, 1994, when the British band...
Of all the global events which have surfaced in our news feeds in the last ten years, few are as...
Ong’s Hat. For those who were on the early internet and into Grail-like topics, those two words likely spark a...
Word recently got around in paranormal circles that Kenn Thomas passed away last week on September 22nd, which comes as...