Despite his relatively young age, Joshua Cutchin has quickly carved a reputation as one of the most forward thinking paranormal...
Perhaps the best known footage of the now-extinct thylacine, or ‘Tasmanian Tiger’, was taken in December 1933 by naturalist David...
Now, we all know that octopuses are about as close as anything on Earth to being an alien species (or...
This Australian reptile has no need to pry open his third eye – it’s well and truly wide awake. Rangers...
“I saw Bigfoot once. 1951, back in Sequoia National Park. Had a foot on him thirty-seven inches heel to toe....
The iconic television show Saturday Night Live! couldn’t pass up the opportunity to remind their audience that, not only is...
(We originally published this profile of Loren Coleman in March 2006, in our magazine at the time, Sub Rosa.) If you’re...
Be sure to follow The Daily Grail on Facebook and on Twitter for more fascinating stories from the edges of...