In 2004, author Mark Pilkington and film-maker John Lundberg set off on a journey to chronicle a darker side of...
Excerpted from Mike Jay’s Stranger Than Fiction, available in Kindle and paperback editions from Amazon. At the beginning of 1797, John Robison was a man with...
In 2006 film-maker Paul Kimball made Fields of Fear, a documentary about the mystery of cattle mutilations which focused on...
Silently surveying the rural lands surrounding them, the giant stones impose themselves upon the grassy landscape. Raised by human hands,...
Mention the word ‘Roswell‘ to most people, and one thing will automatically pop into their head: ‘Crashed UFO’. Meanwhile, the...
We all knew ex-President Dubya had skeletons in the closet…but the skull of Geronimo? The New York Times is reporting...
Last weekend Discovery Channel aired a documentary which they claim debunked most of the JFK conspiracy theories (those that dispute...
Binnall of America Audio returns this week, kicking off the paranormally-themed podcast’s fourth season. First guest of the new season...