This short documentary was released a couple of weeks ago on the Theories of Everything (TOE) Youtube channel hosted by...
The powerful psychedelic DMT is known for its ‘rocket ship trip’, blasting users almost instantly from the everyday world into...
I’ve known Mike “The Owl Guy” Clelland for more than a decade, and he is without a doubt one of...
Rice University will kickoff their 2nd Archives of the Impossible conference in a matter of minutes —click here to join...
Wes Anderson is one of the most influential indie filmmakers in modern cinema. His photography style, dialogues, soundtracks, and color...
Apollo 11 commander Neil Armstrong was not a man who was known for flowery language or flights of fancy. The...
There are few movie directors who feel more aligned with the topics we discuss on the Daily Grail than Steven...
Alien NationCryptozoologyForteanaMind MysteriesMyths and FolkloreReligion & SpiritualityShamanismSpirit World
·While science and academia largely try their best to ignore or even debunk the paranormal, even those researchers willing to...