Detecting the invisible… I have Alice In Wonderland syndrome. Lorenzo’s oil for autism. An invisibility cloak found for sound? America’s...
JoinedSaturday, May 1st
From Aesop to Aesop. Aesop’s translators have had varied agendas. Self-cleaning wool and silk developed using nanotechnology. X-rays betray giant...
Short and sweet today. Genetic telepathy. A bizarre new property of DNA. Hexagonal craters on Mercury. More and more mystery...
Back to UFOs, Atlantis and Global Warming. Maximum temperature trends and global warming. Cosmic strings observed in background radiation. Britain’s...
Where is global warming when you need it? It is bloody freezing here. Has global warming stopped? Far above space...
Only the turkeys are certain democracy does not exist. Happy holidays. Mystery space machines overhead. The mother of all civilisations....
It is only a mistake to scramble the brain if the intention is to make custard. Groan. Hoagland falls in...
So, if you smoke enough joints do you get cancer or not? Did Noah’s flood kick start European farming? How...