Just how wrong is the conventional chronology? The return of religion. Rome’s she-wolf not so ancient. A few links on...
JoinedSaturday, May 1st
Who’s a dinosaur? How disasters help. 911 third tower mystery supposedly solved. Larry King: Roswell truth debated. More mystery space...
More weirdness. My ghostly alien encounter. Humvee of the skies. Plastic unites to make unexpected metal. Engineering the Berlin tunnel....
Thanks to Red Pill Junkie for the Polar Bear Husky link. Liked that one. The betrayal of Judas: did a...
Always pick the other door… Seven new deadly sins. Reading Herodotus, and Herodotus and bad fate. Happiness is the measure...
I hope there isn’t a woman actually called April Fool. I worried about her all week. Ancient imbalances sent Earth’s...
Shedding some light on dark matters… Regrowing limbs. Or inventing new ones? Where angels no longer fear to tread. Into...
Not looking forward to the discovery of Pentapus. It will look too much like a hand with a mind of...