Stonehenge remains the undisputed king of British megalithic sites, even though there is no shortage of other sites that could...
JoinedFriday, April 30th
Greg is the owner-editor of The Daily Grail, as well as the author of a number of books including Stop Worrying, There Probably is an Afterlife.
Happy solstice! Quote of the Day: There is no fundamental difference between man and animals in their ability to feel...
Listen up you clever little monkeys – the Tuesday news briefs are here! Quote of the Day: We are just...
The Monday Grail news briefs might help you to see the world in a different way… Quote of the Day:...
Some of today’s Grail news briefs will push your comprehension to the limits… Quote of the Day: I think there...
No need to rely on stupid AI search results, the Grail news briefs are assembled by human hands… Quote of...
In 2023, the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies (BICS) published the winning essays from their contest seeking the best evidence...
Intermittent reminder that if you get something of value out of the Grail, please consider a ‘voluntary subscription’ (for as...