The AI revolution will not be televised… Quote of the Day: We cannot reason ourselves out of our basic irrationality....
JoinedFriday, April 30th
Greg is the owner-editor of The Daily Grail, as well as the author of a number of books including Stop Worrying, There Probably is an Afterlife.
No need to worry about the quality of today’s news briefs, we’ve been doing this for a long while now…...
Apropos of nothing… Quote of the Day: All political institutions are manifestations and materializations of power; they petrify and decay...
Don’t worry folks, you’re at the right monster party… Quote of the Day: Few people, unless they are familiar with...
A reminder that if you enjoy this website you can support us with a ‘voluntary subscription’ for as little as...
Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue… Quote of the Day: Even though it seems foolish...
Today’s news briefs are a pleasing mix of old and new… Quote of the Day: The wealth required by nature...
Stonehenge remains the undisputed king of British megalithic sites, even though there is no shortage of other sites that could...