Meanwhile, beyond the tipping point… Earth’s original ancestor, ‘LUCA‘, was a hypothermophilic organism. Nuts and bolts – possible UFO physics/propulsion/technology,...
JoinedThursday, November 25th
It aint over ’til it’s over Financial Times editorial admits agenda for dictatorial World Government. Is ‘worm‘ clue to Mars...
Just filling in while diamond geezer RPJ buys up all the tequila in Mexico… Evolutionary theory evolves: proteins with ‘cruise...
There’s news in them thar hills: SpaceX makes it to space, finally justifying the first five letters of their name....
This is probably one of the most important UFO encounters of late. On June 7th at a military base near...
Priceless… Polar bear shot dead after 200-mile swim. It only wanted to play 🙁 First stop for 9/11 research and...
Uh, where’d all my feeds go when I need them? ET: No one home? Perhaps they live in the Canary...
Apocalypse now! Complete works of Darwin go online. 150 years since the publication of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species...