The new weird order: Robot to expose pyramid’s hidden secrets (again). Giza’s secret diggings video exposed. Latest jaw-dropping (raw) images...
JoinedThursday, November 25th
Your daily fix… Bang goes the big bang theory? Neolithic paintwork found inside Ness of Brodgar buildings. Briton given permission...
Rest in Greenpeace Evidence of humans in Britain 800,000 years ago. Was King Tut from Western Europe? European Space Agency...
Dr Who does Glastonbury. BP’s methane monster. Almost all Exxon Valdez cleanup crew dead. Obama gets internet kill switch. Four...
RPJ has a date with destiny… Giant Aztec earth goddess to show in Mexico City. 10 problems with Mount Ararat...
Devil fingers at half mast today —m— Ultra cheap nanochips could be built from DNA. Junk brainwaves retrieved from the...
They’re watching me today! Exorcising the Heretic King. John Higgs interviews CJ Stone about King Arthur – the biker and...
Preparing for the false-flag UFO invasion… Holographic images as a weapon. Waiting for the end of the world: Georgia’s 30-year...