Have an astronomical solstice Prehistoric rock art in the Appalachian Mountains maps cosmological belief. Extensive Maya city discovered. Daily Mail...
JoinedThursday, November 25th
Something ate RPJ’s internet. Alan Moore interviewed on psychogeography. 3D-print your face on a piece of Mars – oh, that’s...
Two dicks get a mention this week (No, that other story is about a thumb) The cradle of Stonehenge could...
Time stops for the Daily Grail News Briefs Moore’s Law thought experiment concludes life is older than Earth. Psychic visit...
Today’s dose of self-medication. (Happy Hawkeaster!) DNA transistors are one example of how future computers will take many different forms....
Hello Baphomet! Was Jesus a woman? Memories of near death experiences: more real than reality? Human/Neanderthal hybrid skeleton found? (‘lovechild’...
The latest Hermetic Library Anthology album ‘Magick, Music and Ritual 6‘ (some NSFW lyrics). Does probability come from quantum physics?...
Look busy, the boss is back. Beheaded money-spinning goblin fights back. Russian family isolated for 40 years, misses out on...