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News Briefs 20-04-2017

Given the current global situation, I’d suggest you read as fast as you can…

Thanks to Chuckycabra.

Quote of the Day:

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

˜Jimmi Hendrix

  1. ParaShuting
    So, RPJ, tell us a little more about ParaMania. Inquiring minds must know!

    What’s a few more extraneous bits piled up in a frozen corner of my brain (haha)?

    1. ParaMania
      Well, I can tell you it was really awesome to finally meet for the 1st time people I’ve admired for quite a while, like Adam “El Go-Go” Gorightly, Walter Bosley, and my buddy Jack Cusumano. We all stayed at the Beverly Laurel Motor Hotel, which I found impressively hip and stylish, in a very 60’ish, Futurist kind of way.

      Greg and Carlos were kind enough to rent vans so moving around from place to place –LA is NOT a pedestrian city– was very easy. There were many highlights to this trip, including a visit to the Casa de Bishop, where he proudly showed us his most impressive collection of UFO books –a lot of coveted jewels there, including Rebirth of Pan, which I started reading when I had some rare alone time and now I’m hooked and more in dismay for the fact that finding an affordable copy is rarer than a Bigfoot carcass in the woods!

  2. GTA
    So how long before they start running people down and raping women? And for the PC crowd: How long before they start yelling PATRIARCHY at me while brandishing a stick 😛

  3. From the Amazements-Upon-Amazements-Dept.
    Glad that the world isn’t like the fake news (ha ha! delightful metaphor for BS exposure…corporate news laid raw) that promote Addictive Indignation (a David Brinism; feelings nothing more than feelings) and Nihilism and the Idiot Plot (human beings are all ignorant, nothing we do results in good, all ends in misery and suffering etc)

    When you read the news, follow the money and cynicism that masquerades as real thought

    We have achieved wonders and marvels. Yes we should acknowledge the horrors and mistakes. But we also should be aware of the many amazements and miracles that we achieve. And be proud and shout them to the skies.

    One time apparently a bunch of us got together and tried to build a tower that would be an inspiration to all, the tallest and most magnificient. And reality herself said of this that nothing is beyond our reach, so she confused us and slowed us down. Wasn’t angry or miffed.

    There is nothing we can’t do.

    Fuck the nabobs of pessimism and cynicism. The ones who want to hold us back. To stay in some mythic golden age. That want to kill us either by starvation or want or lack of humour.

    Fuck em because there are still enough of us who like being human and who are still curious and full of wonder. And who never ever stop.


  4. From the Global-Telepathy-Project-Dept.
    The daily mail article reminded me of how different the ‘net is making us. This is a news article where the sources are Netizens.

    I’ve seen a rise of these kinds of stories.

    We obviously have influence

    Through social media etc we can wreck a dentist’s life and we can free a country from Communism

    One fellow Netizen even postulates that the US is changing over to a direct democracy where the current administration listens to our views.

    No more gatekeepers.

    How terrifyliberating.

    True responsibility is.

    Worth it as well

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