Only 11 days left to help fund this amazing collector’s edition UFO book by Jacques Vallee – get in!
- Go home comet, you’re drunk: Comet Lovejoy found to be spewing booze out into space.
- Space radiation changes mouse brains.
- Could these sensors scientifically prove UFOs exist?
- Meet the man whose job is to constantly imagine the total collapse of humanity in order to save it.
- Human chimera: Man fails paternity test because his unborn brother is the father of his child.
- Hiker finds 1200-year-old Viking sword in ‘pristine’ condition in Norway.
- 3000 tourists attend King Ramses’ sun alignment ceremony at Abu Simbel temple.
- Evidence of ancient culture uncovered in Ecuador.
- Prehistoric man dined on snail porridge 150,000 years ago.
- Processed meats cause cancer, scream headlines the world over. Except it ain’t necessarily so.
- Narrative arc can change our brain chemistry, and make us take action. But but determinism and billiard balls and all that?
- Researchers reduce religious prejudice through electrical stimulation of the brain.
- Why do so many Russians turn to psychics?
- Deathbed visions: it doesn’t matter why they happen, it matters that they do.
- The Hollow Earth is filled with giants, Germans, and a little sun.
- The scary, weird and somewhat true story of the Fairfax ‘Bunny Man’.
- Dogs mysteriously fall ill after being walked in British UFO location Rendlesham Forest.
- Image of the Day: This Star Wars poster explains everything.
Quote of the Day:
We must go not only into space, but eventually, by any means found necessary, into the stars. Creatures we cannot even imagine, evolved from us, our passengers on that trip, will thank us – their nameless ancestors who carried the fire of life away from one sun, and into the potential bay of eternity.