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News Briefs 27-10-2015

Only 11 days left to help fund this amazing collector’s edition UFO book by Jacques Vallee – get in!

Quote of the Day:

We must go not only into space, but eventually, by any means found necessary, into the stars. Creatures we cannot even imagine, evolved from us, our passengers on that trip, will thank us – their nameless ancestors who carried the fire of life away from one sun, and into the potential bay of eternity.

Vinay Gupta

  1. Vinay Gupta
    “14 nerds and a gene printer makes you a superpower.”

    Yeah, let’s go bum rush some other planets! They’ll thank us for it later.

    Personally, I’m gradually coming to the realization that humans are just a genetic place holder on this planet, and something for more advanced space races to work with (as they see fit). We started out with bigger brains and more intelligence, but ET took that away from us. Our mission was simply to “occupy” the planet. The royal family’s main purpose was to keep the population of humans down to the bare minimum needed to ensure survival of cataclysms, i.e., to not go entirely extinct. We’ll be going back to a minimal population, one way or another, or be replaced with something new (H. Stupendious).

  2. news
    Comet: Not sure what funnier, a comet spewing booze or the fact the you could get drunk from a comet.

    Chimera: I really wish they actually wrote more about this instead of filling the page up with ads. It’s fascinating.

    1200 y/o sword: That moment when archeologists hate themselves for not being that lucky.

    Deathbed: I think when the body is about to die it is flushed with a hormone that tells the cells to brace for shut down. This hormone has a side effect of being a “truth serum” thus leading to something being revealed. What’s interesting is you can go to your grave with your secrets, however, at the same time some individuals start telling the truth weeks in advance before they suddenly die of a heart attack. If you suddenly feel like unleashing the skeletons from your closet, call a doctor.

    Bunny Man: RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!

    Dogs: Even though they ruled out mushrooms, there are likely other plants the dog could have invested that could cause this. I also wouldn’t rule out things like Lyme’s Disease. Many times these toxicology reports only go looking for one thing and ignore other factors. A similar occurrence happened on a beach and they traced it to a sea creature the dogs had simply stepped on that poisoned them. So I wouldn’t point to aliens just yet. I want more testing. Also Rendlesham has been going on for a while, is this all of a sudden or are we just now starting to investigate an ongoing problem? If it was radiation, the humans should be feeling sick too.

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