“I don’t know anything, but I do know that everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough.”
- The language of light.
- Unraveling the cosmic thread.
- Eternal sunshine of the spotless mice.
- Pluto and Charon get their close-up.
- China seeks out the dark side.
- Ceres’ nightlights.
- H. Naledi added to ancestral timeline. More.
- Climbing the family tree.
- ‘Dr. Evil’s’ latest mission… Blow up Mars.
- A psychedelic sea change.
- Bioengineering medicinal plants.
- Unique double crater identified.
- Is Planet X making a comeback?
- Speaking the unspoken animal language.
- Sound-free sanctuaries for marine life.
- Was it Jif or Jiffy?
- This week’s evidence of the looming robot uprising… The ’bot job force.
Quote of the Day:
“There are the rushing waves, mountains of molecules, each stupidly minding its own business trillions apart yet forming white surf in unison.”
R. Feynman