“All things lie dark in possibility.”
- The holographic universe.
- Space laser cannons… It’s about time.
- The polar ice of Pluto?
- The spacecraft who fell to earth.
- The first casualties of climate change.
- 7 NDE experiences.
- Occam’s invisibility.
- The petrified remains of Lake Natron.
- Here to stay is the new bird.
- Have we reached Warp Factor 5?
- New light shed upon continental migration to South America.
- New exoplanet challenges old beliefs.
- Do altered states follow road maps?
- Studying 1000 years of CO2.
- Airspace reserves seeks to save avians.
- Just a monkey trying to crack a nut.
- The new trailer… for every film.
- This week’s proof of the pending robo-pocalypse… Bake ‘bot.
Quote of the Day:
“Genius is play, and man’s capacity for achieving genius is infinite, and many may achieve genius only through play.”
W. Saroyan