Always wanted to have a UFO sighting? To improve your odds, why not consult this new ‘UFO map’, showing the number of UFO sightings per county in the U.S. (both in total, and per capita). The interactive map, embedded below, allows you to mouse over the United States to find the numbers associated with each county.
Created by California-based technology company FindtheBest, the map’s data was culled from over 61,000 reports in the sightings database of the National UFO Reporting Centre (NUFORC). According to Lane Allison, product manager of FindTheBest:
We downloaded UFO sightings from the National UFO Reporting Center and took all of the locations and tried to standardize them. After we got latitude and longitude pairs, we could determine the number of UFO sightings that have been reported in counties. Then, we cross-referenced that with the American Community Survey population estimates of those counties, resulting in UFO reports per capita number.
One fact that is illustrated clearly by the map is the larger number of sightings towards the West Coast of America. Extraterrestrial tourist hotspot, darker skies, more potent swamp gas, greater number of military bases, or better weed? Let us know your theory for the lop-sided UFO sighting distribution in the comments below!
(via Lee Spiegel at The Huffington Post)
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