- SETI has begun looking for hot aliens. Captain Kirk was waaay ahead of you SETI.
- Hundreds report UFO sighting in Cannock Chase.
- A sign from beyond the grave?
- People in Kazakhstan are falling asleep for days – and nobody knows why.
- Buddhist monk displays ‘unheard of’ brain activity while meditating.
- In Brazil, some inmates get therapy with hallucinogenic tea.
- How a West African shaman helped my schizophrenic son in a way Western medicine couldn’t.
- Will telepathy machines make us closer, or are there unforeseen dangers in melding minds?
- ‘Chinese Stonehenge’ found in the Gobi desert continues to mystify experts.
- Is the statue with a mummified medieval monk inside it a stolen relic?
- Oldest evidence of breast cancer found in 4200-year-old Egyptian skeleton.
- Magic robots of the medieval world.
- Real-life vampires exist, and researchers are studying them.
- Porpoises, whales and dolphins use sound searchlights.
- Image of the Day: John Keel chats to Jacques Vallee.
Quote of the Day:
Belief is the enemy
John Keel