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News Briefs 30-03-2015

Picture this if you will

Quote of the Day:

Belief is the enemy

John Keel

  1. The “telepathy machine”
    The “telepathy machine” already exists – it is called the mind.

    It is instructive to think though about how ET’s use their highly advanced and powerful telepathic abilities. It’s a mixed bag of course – the clinical and almost emotionless types uses telepathy for manipulation – often rather dispassionately and brutally – while the spiritual and empathic types use it more benignly.
    The obviously gifted telepaths running around in public today – people like Teresa Caputo and Kim Russo – are striking for their benign employment of their gifts. It might be argued that possessing the power confers on humans a light touch and a helpful heart.

  2. China’s ‘Stonehenge’ found in the Gobi Desert
    Perhaps the locals could have been bored and thought “Let’s do something with these stones, nothing much else to do here”.

    We all have done things for no other reason than to do it.

    When I was a young lad (before the internet and cable tv) when we were bored we’d see how high we can pile up stones. After we did one or two we started to pile them up in a pattern as some kind of imaginary fort. Something to do during summer vacation in a field. hahaha


    1. As a boy growing up in
      As a boy growing up in Houston I participated every year in my neighborhood’s annual “Christmas Tree Wars” which began after the New Year when all the local households placed their Christmas trees out for pickup by the trash haulers. None of these trees ever made it to the dump. Loosely organized gangs of boys generally identified by the streets we lived on gathered these trees together in massive forts and spent the next few weeks of January raiding and defending each others’ forts to see who could amass the biggest pile. We used fireworks as defensive artillery, and the skirmishes and major battles were incredibly noisy and exciting. This was the 1960’s in Houston, TX, mind you. It was generally a war zone anyway – very militant and insane with the material glory of an oil town in the 60’s. There were a few families that could always be counted on to allow a fort to be situated in the back yards, and mine was one of them. It is hard to remember how totally wild and feral life used to be for children even in affluent neighborhoods.
      We did it because it could be done, and there was no one to stop us.

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