1 week from today I’ll return to the Paradigm Symposium for the 3rd time, in what will surely be another epic event. Hope to see you there!
(I’m also planning on taking a bit of a time-off in October, so you kids better behave)
- A wide-encompassing interview with globe-trotter Graham Hancock.
- Ten amazing artifacts from the ancient world.
- Lorin Cutts of KGRA radio has his share of high-strangeness synchronicities involving owls.
- Hell freezing over? Celebrity skeptic Michael Shermer “shaken to the core’ by a synchronicity.
- Exhibit B of the lowering infernal temperatures: The Rockefellers are moving away from the oil business.
- Sleep is a luxury the poor can’t afford anymore.
- Ahoy! Why did pirates fly t’ Jolly Roger?
- Fighting the Nazis with a bow and a sword? Sometimes reality can be better than Quentin’s movies.
- How Tarantino’s musical taste changed the way we listen to music in cinema.
- Orgasming 100 times a day is way WAAAAAAY worse than you think.
- Brazilian fishermen bullying giant anaconda is more upsetting than Nicki Minaj video.
- The Yeti is coming to Moscow! Maybe he’s planning to challenge Putin to a duel?
- Japanese company plans space elevator by 2050. Hopefully by then Fukushima will be finally solved too –or are they telling us something here?
- Farming out our way to Mars.
- Was Mars’ atmosphere wiped out by a Carrington event?
- Speaking of Mars, the Indians now have every reason to engage in a Bollywood mass dance!
- Red Pill of the Day: Total Recall or Total R…? Woman’s claim of implanted 3rd breast looks fishy –among other things…
Quote of the Day:
“Those of a materialist persuasion like to say, “Oh you people who believe in reincarnation, you believe in life after death, you’re just doing that because you find it comforting. It comforts you to imagine that life might go on.” To that, I would reply, “What utter nonsense.” It’s not comforting at all. On the contrary, it’s more comforting to imagine that there are no consequences. The materialist view is actually the comforting one! The view of reincarnation and the notion you must account for the life you’ve lived, and that there will be consequences for it, is a deeply disturbing notion, as a matter of fact. And it requires you to examine the life you lived very, very closely and very, very carefully. So I think there’s a lot of nonsense talked around this subject. And I try in my work to shed some alternative light on it.”
~Graham Hancock