Here’s to another 25 years of LOLcats, twerking & the occasional revolution inspired by social networks.
- Tim Berners-Lee calls for an online Magna Carta.
- The Web We Want: Join the campaign to forge a free, secure & TRULY global internet.
- In order to preserve the very structure of the net, Silicon Valley needs to learn how to share –their profits, that is.
- Woman ‘attacked’ in San Francisco for wearing Google Glass.
- Beyond the Vallee of the Dolls: Why our Universe & the Web share so much in common.
- And the award to best UFO-hunting province in all of Canada goes toooo… Vancouver!
- Phantom phone calls from vanished Malaysia airlines flight passengers?
- Michio Kaku cringes with cinematic depictions of aliens –*I* cringe with his eagerness to jump in the materialistic brain=mind bandwagon, but that’s just silly woo me…
- Can heart surgery change a person’s personality?
- The Reckoning: How the father of Adam Lanza has tried to cope with what his son did.
- The Ogre & the Orgone: When Shrek’s creator illustrated a book by Willhelm Reich.
- A global call for DNA evidence of cryptids, co-organized by the International Cryptozoology Museum.
- The Men Who Stare at Goatsuckers: A little article re. the Chupacabras & 90’s nostalgia by yours truly.
- Radio Misterioso with guest Nick Redfern: In which the most prolific Fortean writer to date is suddenly possessed by the spirit of… Camilla the chicken??
FlyLift me to the Moon ♫…- Red Pill of the Day: Monocles are making a comeback –because Glass-holes are soooo 2013…
Thanks, Susan & Tim.
Quote of the Day:
“Unless we have an open, neutral internet we can rely on without worrying about what’s happening at the back door, we can’t have open government, good democracy, good healthcare, connected communities and diversity of culture. It’s not naive to think we can have that, but it is naive to think we can just sit back and get it.”
~Sir Tim Berners-Lee