Hey, don’t worry, don’t be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride.
- Remembering Bill Hicks, who died 20 years ago today.
- Dr Jim Tucker talks about children who remember past lives.
- Rick Doblin, Ph.D., shares his ibogaine experience.
- Rak Razam talks about his ayahuasca film, Aya: Awakenings.
- Brain scans show jazz musicians literally speak music.
- It’s time to accept that elephants are empathetic beings.
- Bhutan will be the first country to return to 100% organic.
- In pictures: the race to save Afghanistan’s ancient Buddhist city.
- Desert Breath: massive landscape art in the Egyptian Sahara.
- British Museum paints a prettier picture of the Vikings.
- The ocean reveals hidden petroglyphs in Hawaii.
- The side effects from geoengineering would be disastrous.
- Water vapour found in the atmosphere of an alien planet.
- Spectacular photos of this week’s Moon & Venus conjunction.
- UFOs & Edward Snowden: leaked docs used in psyops shenanigans.
- UFO on radar causes India’s air force to scramble a jet in pursuit.
- All issues of Starlog Magazine are now online, for free.
- Packs of
chupacabraschihuahuas are running amuck in Phoenix, AZ. - Crikey! A giant, surfing crocodile forces a beach to close.
- Sea sapphires: be entranced by this beautiful creature of the sea.
- Starling murmurations, or feathered fractals in the skies.
- Utterly adorable photos of a Japanese grandmother & her cat.
Thanks Greg, Kat, & The Anomalist.
Quote of the Day:
“I left in love, in laughter and in truth. Wherever truth, love and laughter abide, I am there in spirit.”
~ Bill Hicks