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News Briefs 26-02-2014

Hey, don’t worry, don’t be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride.

Thanks Greg, Kat, & The Anomalist.

Quote of the Day:

“I left in love, in laughter and in truth. Wherever truth, love and laughter abide, I am there in spirit.”

~ Bill Hicks

  1. Is there anything funnier and
    Is there anything funnier and more hypocritical than watching government and the scientific establishment pretending it isn’t already engaged in geoengineering on a vast scale with the planet-wide chemtrail program? And here is a big duh – the weather has indeed become highly destabilized. They don’t need to be theorizing about the effects – the effects are right in front of us.

  2. Love & Laughter
    There are many books that had a great deal of impact in my life, but few as greater as Caballo de Troya, by J.J. Benítez. It tells the story of a time-traveling project that sends 2 US Air Force pilots to Palestine in the time of Jesus of Nazareth.

    What got me hooked into this 10-boock (and counting!) saga was the portrayal of Jesus they gave: a benevolent 6-foot-tall giant with captivating eyes who was quick to laughter with his friends. And laughed he did often with his closed friends & followers.

    Whenever I enter a church, I always think of that despicable character in the movie The Name of the Rose. Despicable? I should say pitiful, really; for whoever is bothered with the laughter of his neighbor has known nothing but sorrow & bitterness in his life.

  3. lady & cat
    That cat’s eyes! O_O wow!
    It really makes me think about the legends you here of spirit animals coming to you in a time of need. Of course I assume it’s just a normal cat, but sometimes animals are beyond normal.

    Also Happy Birthday Victor Hugo.

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