And you can dream, so dream out loud.
- Vale Robert Van de Castle, a gentleman & a dream scholar.
- Dreams as a Multidimensional Expression of Psi.
- Harriet Tubman’s dreams freed hundreds of escaped slaves (Amazon).
- Fireflies & forests: beautiful photos by Tsuneaki Hiramatsu.
- Do children have a greater sense of the lives they lived before?
- A teenage skydiver survived a 3000ft fall in the USA.
- Do… or do not. There is no try. Feeling powerless makes objects heavier.
- Rabbits unearth an archaeological treasure trove in England.
- Excavations planned for a 2000-year-old shipwreck off the coast of Sri Lanka.
- Is the myth of Jason & the Golden Fleece based on historical reality?
- Mysterious stone pillars were not made by
Bjorkfighting trolls. - Bronze horns were thrown into bogs in Late Bronze Age Ireland.
- Photos from a spectacular Imbolc fire festival in Yorkshire, UK.
- Of snowdrops & churchyards: February’s fair maids are out for Imbolc.
- Keeping the hearth fire burning: traditions hidden in plain sight.
- Tempting the Serpent: why Appalachian church-goers drink snake poison.
- The irrefutable link between Dungeons & Dragons and human sacrifice.
- Town buried by tumbleweeds, cable TV horror movie coming soon.
- A small village in Kazakhstan has been hit by a sleep epidemic.
- Study finds short people more prone to paranoia, tall people more Fortean.
- Creator of The X-Files, Chris Carter, returns to TV with The After.
Quote of the Day:
“Sleeping is the height of genius.”
~ Soren Kierkegaard