Be the bear & wolf, make an unlikely friendship.
- Amazonian medicine documentary The Sacred Science is free to watch online.
- Skeptiko: Dr John Searle on consciousness research & the science bullies.
- Why the Hard Problem of Consciousness isn’t going away anytime soon.
- DMT might mediate between our consciousness & other realities.
- Very cool tribute to Betty & Barney Hill at the location of their alien abduction.
- Three former USAF officers speak out about UFOs & nukes.
- Tom Waits would sing a song for this beer brewed with moon dust.
- A glass scarab in Tutankhamun’s brooch is evidence of an ancient comet strike.
- Previously on TDG, Tut’s Alien Glass, a documentary investigating the mystery.
- Structure at Machu Picchu has precise astronomical alignments.
- Is a 600-year-old map proof Chinese discovered America? (Amazon US/UK)
- The New World was old news to the ancient
aliensGreeks, Romans, Phoenicians, Vikings… & the locals who already called it home. - Grab your fedora & explore lost cities with the people who rediscovered them.
- What did India contribute to modern mathematics? Nothing.
- Steeped in mysticism, the passion of Pakistani Sufis infuriates the Taliban.
- Photographer captures an unlikely friendship between a bear & a wolf.
Thanks Greg.
Quote of the Day:
“Saying of the Mulla Nasrudin. If I survive this life without dying, I’ll be surprised.
~ Idries Shah, The Pleasantries of the Incredible Mulla Nasrudin.