“The universe we seeing playing out in space and time may be just the surface level, where we float like little boats while leviathans stir in the deep.”
- As well as detect the electric fields of flowers, honeybees can move each other with electric fields.
- 100 year starship video offers a virtual trip through the galaxy.
- A living ocean on a Jovian moon?
- Explosive volcanic eruptions triggered by cosmic rays.
- Planck telescope maps the distribution of all the matter in the cosmos.
- We’re steadily losing our religion – but not our belief.
- The depiction of witches over the past 500 years.
- 19 year old develops plan to clean up ocean trash vortexes.
- Reality show seeks kids with past lives.
- Is it too late to stop the cyborgs?
- Damp squib: Chinese fishmonger finds a bomb inside a squid.
- Gravity-free black hole model proving useful.
- Ancient Egypt – a hypochondriac’s nightmare.
- Is dark matter a glimpse of a deeper level of reality?
- The mysterious disappearance, and reappearance, of Ada Constance Kent.
- The most surreal places on Earth.
Quote of the Day:
Give me one free miracle and I will explain everything else.
Terrence McKenna