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News Briefs 30-07-2012

A classic flying saucer flew over the Olympics opening ceremony? I’m guessing they couldn’t get tickets.

Quote of the Day:

I am Egyptian antiquities.

Zahi Hawass

  1. 15 pieces of tech
    *looks around office*

    the power strip/surge protectors which are filled with so many plugs i don’t know where they go or what to 😛

    log in passwords and phones with built in answering machines that no one knows the damned passwords to!


    1. 15 pieces…
      My computer’s in a small bedroom which has 3 electrical outlets. I just noticed — power strips are plugged into all 3 outlets, and a 2-foot-wide tangle of wires and cables now surrounds the perimeter. Good thing I installed an expanded breaker box a couple of years ago.

      No wonder I feel a general sensation of disorder whenever I come in here, no matter how neat the desk is.

      But I think I posted this article because yesterday I finally found my Go-Video remote — a mere 2 1/2 years after throwing away the component.

      1. It Is Simple
        [quote=Kat]My computer’s in a small bedroom which has 3 electrical outlets. I just noticed — power strips are plugged into all 3 outlets, and a 2-foot-wide tangle of wires and cables now surrounds the perimeter. Good thing I installed an expanded breaker box a couple of years ago.

        No wonder I feel a general sensation of disorder whenever I come in here, no matter how neat the desk is.

        But I think I posted this article because yesterday I finally found my Go-Video remote — a mere 2 1/2 years after throwing away the component.[/quote]

        I hate to keep harping on this, but it is a simple and cheap solution to electropollution – buy a few pucks of orgonite and put them in your computer room.

  2. Workplace Arrogance Scale
    Certainly, my last boss (the rock-bottom worst in a lifetime of working) would have scored high on that scale.

    He was constantly trumpeting his past “achievements” elsewhere, whether it was appropriate to the situation or not. (Meanwhile, these must have come to naught because he was let go rather unceremoniously from his last company.)

    He never bothered to learn the organization’s processes because that would have required him to stop talking about himself and start listening to others in order to learn what he needed to know. So someone else repeatedly had to disrupt their work to walk him through the same childishly simple tasks that were his responsibility (that is, were in HIS job description).

    He attempted a woefully politically incorrect power grab in a situation he didn’t fully understand and it ended up reflecting negatively on our department. He blithely passed the blame onto his staff (who had advised him against his move).

    After six months on the job he still hadn’t attempted to learn the names not only of those who reported to him, but also of those he REPORTED TO. I mentioned this to him and he acknowledged he already had been told that by not knowing and constantly screwing up colleague’s names, “. . . it sounds like you really don’t give a shit about anybody else here”. Then he muttered under his breath to me, “I really don’t give a shit.” Though I was one of his direct reports, he called me by the wrong name about 70% of the time. I wasn’t alone in that.

    I could go on and on . . . but basically . . . he’s a self-aggrandizing, bombastic jerk.

    Happily (because being in the same room with him began to make my skin crawl). I no longer work there and never need to see or, more importantly, hear him again.

    1. Miguel Sacal
      Your former boss ain’t got $#!t against a guy we regrettably had as a client: Miguel Sacal. He wasn’t just angry and arrogant, and felt he was entitled to treat anyone like dirt; he was completely MENTAL.

      But in case you don’t believe me, check this out:

      This is a video of Sacal kicking the crap out of a poor valet parking, because he refused to change the tire of his car —because that’s OBVIOUSLY part of the guy’s duties, or at least that’s how Sacal saw it.

      1. Childhood Obesity
        It is not just magnetic field exposure that harms the fetus – it is also electromagnetic field exposure. The vast propagation of cell phone towers is probably linked to all the childhood obesity and childhood diabetes. EMF pollution is a far bigger problem that we are admitting at present because no one can envision a world that doesn’t use EMF for communication. I can’t either.
        Orgonite mitigates electropollution. One day it will be everywhere in the modern environment. You heard it here first.

          1. Gee, you think there might
            Gee, you think there might actually be multiple causes for a phenomenon? What we already know is that strong electropollution plays hell with the mind. You can take it from there.

          2. Then and now
            When you look at people’s diet a generation or two ago there shouldn’t be any doubt of the causes.

            Today there seems to be a competition of how many calories can be crammed into one meal. Deep fried butter, donut cheese burgers, deep fried pizza to name a few absurdities and not to mention portion sizes and salted snacks. Kids grow up seeing what their parents are eating and its acceptable. When the kids get fat, omg it must be something else, oh yeah EMF, thank God!

            Blame is always easiest placing it on something other than yourself.

          3. OMG, when fetuses are exposed
            OMG, when fetuses are exposed to high magnetic fields they tend to obesity. It must be that Double Quarter Pounders have magnets in them. You are focusing on one thing that we already know to be an obesity factor and ignoring an interesting statistic that might be telling us something in addition. Another interesting discovery is that sugar substitutes make a lot of people hungry. No one is saying that EMF’s are the sole cause of obesity. EMF’s have a range of effects on the brain – one of them appears to be statistically inked to obesity. They are also linked to a lot of other maladies.

            The reason i continue to promote orgonite is that I have seen it have wonderful effects on people in general who appear to be suffering from some sort of weird stress. Those stresses evaporate in the presence of orgonite. One of my friends lives very near a cell tower in a town south of here, and his son began having serious seizures that were so violent they would break and dislocate bones. As soon as I gave him orgonite to place around the house and on his son’s person the seizures ended – finis.
            Pardon my obsession, but I think I have something of value to talk about here.

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