Certainly eclectic.
- Will the government’s web snoop plans work?
- Sparrows change their tune to be heard in noisy cities.
- Bees self-medicate to fight off fungus.
- Eclectus parrot can choose their offsprings’ gender.
- Everything was a problem and we did not understand a thing.
- Neuroscience wants to be the answer to everything. It isn’t.
- The originality of the species.
- We are underestimating the risk of human extinction.
- Solar eclipses can slightly change weather on Earth.
- Humans used fire earlier than thought.
- Airborne power generator to produce energy at 1000 feet.
- Bitcoin, the city traders’ anarchic new toy.
- Solar climate change could cause rougher space weather with an 8% chance of a Maunder Minimum ahead.
- Bodybuilding and nation-building.
- The world’s most popular weed killer can cause amphibians to change shape.
- Martian dark spots reveal heart of glass.
- Death cap mushroom poison to arrest pancreatic cancer in mice.
- Microbes help convert solar power to liquid fuel.
- Seeing beyond the visual cortex.
Quote of the Day:
We think in generalities, but we live in detail.
Alfred North Whitehead