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Red Lights

Holy carp, can’t wait to see this movie: Red Lights, starring Robert De Niro, Sigourney Weaver and Cillian Murphy. A thriller based on skeptical investigators pursuing a famous psychic…think it might be up my alley?

Seems to be a few nods to real-life events/phenomena in there, such as James Randi exposing Peter Popoff’s use of an in-ear radio receiver to gain information about audience members (the actor even looks similar to Popoff). Director Rodrigo Cortes has some good observations about the skeptic-believer divide in this interview, so I’ll be interested to see how it plays out on the screen. Great trailer, hopefully the movie is just as good.

  1. Looks promising. Hopefully
    Looks promising. Hopefully it doesn’t contain one of those “oh darn” moments when they completely blow it and ruin the suspension of disbelief with a contrived plot manipulation. Those mistakes are too common in movies of this subject matter, but good cast and good trailer. I’m hopefull.

    1. Who plays Robert Schermer?
      Who plays Robert Schermer? You can watch the Ur Skeptic look fairly sheepish and subdued during this series of Paranormal Challenge which is an offshoot of the series Ghost Adventures. This episode investigates the infamously haunted and now abandoned Loma Linda Hospital in a gang dominated part of LA. Schermer was the skeptic invited along to watch and set up some of the situations.
      There are some choice moments when Schermer is having to entertain the possibility that what he just saw and heard might very well be paranormal. This was the Ghost Adventures crew’s second visit to Loma Linda. The first visit was quite hairy. this visit did not provide as much paranormal fodder as was hoped, but it still delivered enough to keep Schermer up a night. LOL!
      Recommended viewing for all skeptic watchers.

  2. from the natural-born-thrillers-Dept.
    saw the trailer and darn if my mind has already come up with the entire movie; one of the reasons why i don’t do RPGs any more — by the time i get to the next game session, i’ve already played through all the iterations in my mind so there’s no reason to play anymore :3

    my tagline for my mind’s movie of this would be De Niro’s Akira

  3. Red means go
    At first I thought this was a movie about Sting looking for the ghost of Roxeanne, and then getting up to paranormal tantric shenanigans that would make even Dan Aykroyd blush.

    Looks good. Clint Eastwood’s Hereafter remained very agnostic and didn’t pick a side — it’ll be interesting to see where Red Lights goes with the subject.

    1. Big budget theatrical movies
      Big budget theatrical movies almost never shock anymore. The best films lately are all documentaries. the light weight digital cameras allow such an intimate association with real people doing real things that fictional movies look very vapid now.

  4. Win a copy of Red Lights on Bluray/DVD (not spam, Greg)
    I was looking forward to this film, but there were no screenings in Australia. It’s now out on Bluray/dvd, and Fortean Times magazine is offering the chance to win a copy if you’re strapped for cash. No idea if it’s UK residents only though. Good luck! And no, Gorillas In The Mist does not count as an Alien movie.

    1. Meh
      [quote=Rick MG]I was looking forward to this film, but there were no screenings in Australia. It’s now out on Bluray/dvd, and Fortean Times magazine is offering the chance to win a copy if you’re strapped for cash. No idea if it’s UK residents only though. Good luck! And no, Gorillas In The Mist does not count as an Alien movie.[/quote]

      Bit disappointed by it in the end, sadly. Far too much exposition on methods of paranormal fraud, and a bit of a clumsy Shyamalan-style climax as the focus of the movie. Could have been soooo much better with the actors involved.

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