The universe does love irony, but I think I’ll stick with the entheogen theory of humanity’s awakening.
And, happy birthday to RedPillJunkie!
- Love of animals led to language and humanity’s domination of Earth: When our apemen ancestors began to interact with animals they developed empathy and the ability to communicate, claims anthropologist Pat Shipman.
- Was the Great Sphinx of Giza originally carved in the shape of a gigantic Jackal?
- Mayan documentary to show ‘evidence’ of alien contact in ancient Mexico.
- Cannibalism confirmed among ancient Mexican group.
- Leather jug made from the skin of Oliver Cromwell’s horse found on Antique’s Roadshow.
- Planetary scientists claim to have discovered that the universe is bound by cosmic thread.
- NASA satellite shows ‘boiling sun’ in stunning detail.
- The planet Mercury is dotted with holes that appear to be unlike any other landforms in the solar system.
- Mercury has an odd magnetic field and may be geologically active, new data show.
- Visionaries gather to ponder 100-year starship project.
- Calling all citizen scientists: Help find life on Mars.
- If intelligent extraterrestrials exist, what about God?
- John W. Huffman created synthetic marijuana for tests on lab animals. His formulas ended up in the hands of head shops, which have created substances that can lead to seizures, hallucinations and convulsions.
- What does alcohol do to humans?
- Trichloroethylene, one of the most widespread groundwater contaminants in the US, is more dangerous to humans than earlier thought.
- Bacterium churns out rocket fuel.
- Researchers say they have devised a protein ‘switch’ that instructs cancer cells to produce their own anti-cancer medication.
- We wake up happy, have a miserable day, but cheer up in the evening, shows study of more than half a billion tweets.
- With deaths of forests, a loss of key climate protectors.
- Giant ozone hole found above Arctic. More.
- Ignoring climate change could cost Canada $43B a year by 2050.
- Too hot for chocolate? Climate Change could decimate the $9 Billion cocoa industry.
- Magic carpet takes flight at Princeton.
- ‘Hairy crazy ants’ invade from Florida to Texas.
- Marmosets can meditate (and are immune to the placebo effect).
- Bermuda Triangle: New anomalous phenomenon discovered.
- Photographs may predict future and display other dimensions.
- Real-life Lion King: Timon the meerkat and Pumbaa the micro pig form unlikeliest of friendships.
- Magic mushrooms boost imagination, aesthetics, feelings, abstract ideas, and general broad-mindedness. Changes in these traits were larger in magnitude than changes typically observed in healthy adults over decades of life experiences.
- The new LSD cure.
- George Carlin talks about what psychedelics did for him.
- Psychiatrist talks about his most powerful experience via DMT.
- Robert Weisz PhD: DMT Volunteer.
- Andrew Stone: DMT Volunteer.
- Terence Mckenna talks about psychedelics and society.
- Bill Hicks talks about shrooms, and the impact of psychedelics on human evolution.
Big thanks to maxeyt, Pravda’s Dmitry, RickMG, & RedPillJunkie!
Quote of the Day:
It was absolutely incredible. The first rush was a little scary as I realized it wasn’t the placebo. That passed and next I was crossing boundaries of time and space and reality. I felt this weightlessness, this sense of being close to an unspeakable beauty that was unlike anything in my experience. For the first time since my diagnosis, I was not afraid of anything. The wall of depression that was building up day by day, the fear that I was going to die soon, that my daughter is only 8 — all those things disappeared. I wanted to stay there. I wanted it to last longer. I walked out of the session happy, unafraid of death. I don’t know why, but a transformation took place after being in that peaceful place. I relaxed. I started enjoying food again and was able to gain weight. The session taught me to be fully in the present. I’m optimistic. Mentally and physically, just better.
Kristof Kossut, speaking a year later about the positive changes in his life which resulted from a single dose of synthesized psilocybin.