Assorted mass insanities to brain wash you.
- Plane crash suspect’s online diatribe.
- The chemist’s war.
- Doubts raised on book’s tale of atom bomb.
- Tree-ring anomaly mystifies scientists.
- Placebo treatments stronger than doctors thought.
- Prehistoric UFO and ET images found in remote cave in India.
- Nature’s power plants.
- Global warming caused mass extinctions.
- Debt dynamite dominoes: the coming financial catastrophe.
- Our world balances on a sea of debt.
- Do our organs have memories?
- Music therapy rewires the brains of people unable to speak.
- Uncovering secrets of the Sphinx.
- Venus: flame broiled pressure cooker.
- Modern day Flintstones.
Quote of the Day:
If we have learned one thing from the history of invention and discovery, it is that, in the long run – and often in the short one – the most daring prophecies seem laughably conservative.
Arthur C. Clarke