It is hellish trying to read through all those Climategate emails.
- How December 25 became Christmas.
- Researchers finds hidden sensory system in the skin.
- Crematorium to use burning bodies to generate electricity.
- The fiction of climate science.
- Climate change: the global media presents an apocalyptic scenario.
- Climategate at centre stage as Copenhagen opens.
- Lightning-produced radiation a potential health concern for air travelers.
- German excavation reveals signs of mass cannibalism.
- Richard Branson unveils Virgin Galactic spaceplane.
- Can there be any truth to the linkage of a total conjunction of planets and universal disaster?
- Rudiments of language discovered in monkeys.
- The Nobel prize and its discontents.
- Mystery of stellar brightness variations deepens.
- What will change everything?
Quote of the Day:
A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone.
Henry David Thoreau