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News Briefs 07-07-2009

Spiders and webs and decoys.

  • The politics of hidden agenda.
  • Orwell’s instructive errors.
  • Not every child is secretly a genius.
  • How Neanderthals met a grisly fate: devoured by humans.
  • Riders of the night.
  • Nazi UFOs? The credulity of ufologists
  • Spider builds life size decoys.
  • Who is Neil Armstrong?
  • Archaeologists dive deep into the lost world of the Maya.
  • Link between cancer and human evolution revealed.
  • Russian spacecraft landed on moon hours before Americans.
  • Broken is beautiful.
  • The mystery of the shrinking red star.

Quote of the Day:

We are born princes and the civilizing process makes us frogs.

Eric Berne

  1. Nazi ufos
    Robin Ramsay, in his otherwise informative and enjoyable article on Nazi UFOs, has made an unfortunate error. Ramsay writes:”…evidence for the existence of a real Vril Society is non-existent.”

    Readers of Darklore 3 will find in my paper ‘The Occult Roots of Nazi Technology’ a brief expose of the historically verifiable antecedents of the Vril Society.

    I wrote upon the existence of the Vril society in 1998, and again published a paper on the Vril Society in 2003 in the French publication Gazette Forteenne.

    This can be found by Googling, so Ramsay’s comment upon the inadequacies of Googling by Howe seems a bit out of place.

    Stein’s farrago of nonsense is nothing more than a rehash of what a small, Viennese group put out in the early 1990’s and that is, to say the least, highly inaccurate.

    A give-away that should have alerted Howe as to the nonsense claimed by her informant, is the name ‘ Stein’. Walter Jonannes Stein was Trevor Ravenscroft’s informant (so Ravenscroft claimed) his ‘Spear of Destiny’, a highly inaccurate account of the alleged practices of Nazi occultists that sprang more out of Ravenscroft’s mind than it was grounded in actual historical events.

  2. Not every child is secretly a genius.
    Methinks Mr. Ferguson should read a bit or two about Epigenetics.

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

  3. Russian probe crashes………
    or lands roughly on the moon. Why have the Russians never come out with this? Are they embarressed?
    This link here will take you to the actual recording. Not very fascinating really.

    “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

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