Take a few moments to refresh yourself as you slip along the time-stream. We’ve created this oasis just for that purpose called The Daily Grail news…
- One second the fish was swimming placidly, no danger in sight, a moment later it was lunch. Dinocephalosaurus orientalis could have been the first stealth hunter.
- They’re gathering evidence that humans lived on the North American continent before the last ice age, far earlier than previously believed.
- A bronze head of a Thracian ruler was discovered by Bulgarian archeologists near the city of Shipka. Here’s a glimpse into Thracian history.
- Hair analysis reveals of mummified remains reveals the drinking habits of those that occupied the Atacama Desert of northern Chile and southern Peru.
- A ring worn by worshippers faithful to an ancient Celtic god during the Roman occupation of Lincolnshire has been found.
- Linda Moulton Howe compares the geometries of the Miamisburg and Serpent Mound, Ohio Crop Formations.
- Join the PRO on a successfully spooky ghost-hunt at Bodmin Moor.
- What are those weird things floating around in the sky?
- UFO science investigations debunked.
- A lot of respectable scientists and writers believed that Earth is hollow inside.
- The phenomenon of levitation comes into everyday life.
- Shatner and Nimoy team-up on sci-fi project.
- If you think that scary portrait on the wall keeps an eye on you regardless of where you go in the room — you’ve been tricked.
- Why we want to believe psychics. Rigorous scientific testing leads researchers to concluded that most mediums simply use a series of relatively simple psychological tricks to fool people.
- A well-known researcher claims to have developed a tune for ring tones that promises to increase the breast measurements of those who listen to it. Huge hooter harmony.
- Vaccine will save the world from sheep burps.
- Is that a microchip in my meat?
- Designer poppies yield better painkillers.
- Forty-countries to become nuclear powers.
- The structure of chocolate is unraveled by synchrotron radiation.
- Rats equipped with radios that transmit their brainwaves could soon be helping to locate earthquake survivors buried in the wreckage of collapsed buildings. Yes, rats.
- Portrait of a pet psychic.
- A Malaysian woman a new world record for living in a room full of scorpions, having spent 33- days in a glass box crawling with 6,000 of them.
- Scientists recently discovered a link between a massive coral death in Indonesia, man-made forest fires, and El Niño.
- The world’s oceans are now so saturated with noise that whales and other marine mammals are dying.
- An unexpected fold in the ice is discovered deep inside the Antarctic ice cap.
- Scientists find surprising polar life.
- Researchers have invented an antenna that captures visible light in much the same way that radio antennas capture radio waves.
- If you think Earth is a mess, consider the turmoil in the constellation Hydra, where two monster galactic clusters slam together in one of the biggest collisions ever recorded.
- Scientists studying the deepest picture of the Universe are presented with a puzzle.
- Did Mars have an ocean or didn’t?
Quote of the Day:
A Parable while wandering a deserted beach: At dawn, stagnant in my work, I saw a man in the distance bending and throwing as he walked the endless stretch toward me. As he came near, I could see that he was throwing starfish, abandoned on the sand by the tide, back into the sea. When he was close enough I asked him why he was working so hard at this strange task. He said that the sun would dry the starfish and they would die. I said to him that I thought he was foolish. there were thousands of starfish on miles and miles of beach. One man alone could never make a difference. He smiled as he picked up the next starfish. Hurling it far into the sea he said, “It makes a difference for this one.”
I abandoned my writing and spent the morning throwing starfish.
Isaac Asimov