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Daily Grail Donation Drive

Firstly, a huge thanks to those who have responded to my call for donations/voluntary subscriptions here on TDG a couple of weeks ago. Around 80 people have contributed varying amounts thus far, some small, some large, but all appreciated so much (although the one individual who sent a rather stunning donation will be receiving a gift in the mail from me – they deserve it)! I don’t respond to each person individually, (a lot of people wish to remain anonymous, so I respect that), but if you want to say ‘hi’ then drop me a line – would love to thank you personally.

For those who have said they would like to send a cheque: I will provide an address next week. *Please note though*: for me to change international cheques (not in Australian dollars) costs around $10 per cheque, takes around 15 minutes of waiting around at the bank to do each one, and then takes an additional 30 days for the funds to clear. So, unless the amount is of a decent size or in Australian dollars, I would much rather you redirect your voluntary subscription to a worthy charity!

If you would like to help out via PayPal, here’s the donation button once more:

(edit 11th May 2011: the button has now been removed due to a change in PayPal account)

Now, here’s the good part!! I’m putting together a prize pool of multiple items – signed books by top authors etc. All ‘voluntary subscribers’ will go in the running for a chance to win one of these special items! Donations up to $19 get 1 entry, $20 to $49 gets 2 entries, and $50 and up gets 3.

Once again, thanks to all those who have been so kind as to help support The Daily Grail. It all goes back into making the site even better, so all readers (and obviously, myself) owe you a huge debt of gratitude.

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