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News Briefs 01-07-08

A few crumbs short of a fruitcake…

  • Ancient crashed UFO claimed to be from the dinosaur age.
  • My strangest UFO abduction case.
  • Tunguska event at 100. More here.
  • Get out of your own way
  • The motives that ought to encourage us to the sciences.
  • Yellow science.
  • OOBEs and grasping the ungraspable.
  • Invention: jet engine silencer.
  • Planet’s magnetic field varies much faster than expected.
  • Forget viagra, eat watermelon.
  • Japanese firm offers weddings in space. Next it will be divorces.
  • Cancer cells revert to normal at specific signal threshold, researchers find.
  • Saturn’s thermogenic vertex.
  • Your brain can lie to you.

Quote of the Day:

As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand.

Josh Billings

  1. Space weddings
    [quote]Next it wll be divorces[/quote]

    And this is how they’ll look like! 😉

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

        1. Sorry
          I wasn’t a B5 fan; after Star Trek NGen I was hooked with the X-Files, but after that there’s a huge gap in my geek TV formation, due to a lousy cable service—I hadn’t seen the X-Files end until a few years ago, when I bought the series on DVD.

          And now I just can’t seem to find the discipline to follow a series on its normal broadcast schedule. I have to wait until its sold on DVD, so I can view it according to my agenda.

          But I know Babylon 5 was a very good sci-fi series

          It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
          It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

          Red Pill Junkie

        2. “Sci Finance”
          Hi Kat,

          You saw the president of the remnant of the human race, witnessing an execution aboard Battleship Galactica..latest series.

          Lost tales is an epitaph to the series..if you want to have a good deal, get it at amazon uk, complete 5 series and 5 movies for 79 pounds (155 $)

          just put it on my wish list myself.

          A Man Can Not Begin To Learn That Which He Thinks He Already Knows (Epictetus)

  2. The motives that ought to encourage us to science
    [quote]The Spaniards even expected to be exterminated by those small tribes who had the resolve to defend themselves. How, then, were they [the aztecs] so easily destroyed? All that appeared new to them—a bearded man, a horse, a firearm—had upon them the effect of a power invisible, which they believed they were incapable of resisting. It wasn’t courage the Americans lacked, but only the hope of success[/quote]

    The spaniards DID have an invisible power, which the aztecs were incapable of resisting:


    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

  3. Steiger’s stangest abduction case
    That story was pretty interesting though its not really an “abduction” if the subject goes willingly.

    It could be a called “contact” or “interaction”

    The books by Lysette Larkins are some of my favorites on this subject.

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