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News Briefs 14-04-2008

What can I say …

Quote of the Day:

We may all be unfolded images of aspects which exist in a higher reality.

Brad Steiger

  1. Unfolded aspects
    Brad Steiger’s quote makes sense, because I feel like origami.

    Great news Perceval. Dunno about the last link though! 😉 What a day Sunday was. To make matters worse, my football team (Collingwood) was demolished by our arch-nemesis Carlton. Things can only get better from here!

    By the way, if anyone wants to keep updated on human rights in China (and the rest of the world), the Human Rights Watch website is excellent. I still prefer Amnesty International’s apolitical stance, but HRW do a great job. They keeps tabs on every country in the world, from Russia to the USA to Argentina. As the U2 lyric goes, “If you need someone to blame, throw a rock in the air and you’ll hit someone guilty.” But the spotlight is on China this year because of the Olympics, so we may as well take advantage of it while it lasts. I’m not asking for Tibet to be independent, I just want China to respect the UN Declaration of Human Rights. That’s not asking too much.

    I’d just like to add that I’m not anti-Chinese. I hope that’s clear to everyone. As Kat knows, there’s a lot about China I like, and I had to pass up several opportunities to work there because of health reasons. I just don’t like small-minded oppressive bullies — whether they’re Chinese, American, British, Australian, Russian, Greek, Turkish, South African, Argentinian, and every country in between.

    We’re one, but we’re not the same — U2.

      1. Osama Dalai Lama
        I’m still speechless that the Chinese students I was politely speaking to before getting kicked honestly believe the Dalai Lama is encouraging the violence and that Tibetan monks are terrorists.

        I wonder who they learnt that from?

        Anyways, I’ll shut up about China now, and any more comments should probably go to my blog post. A lot of great news links to read and comment on today, like the world’s oldest tree. Good job Perceval. 🙂

        By the way, if anyone is in any position to help Kat (USA) with a housing issue, please email her via kat at dailygrail dot com. She provides a lot of great news briefs for TDG, here’s a chance to pay her back.

          1. Trees
            Where I grew up and my parents still live are rare marsh eucalypts, most of which are thousands of years old. Unfortunately development in the area has increased ten-fold in the past decade, and there aren’t very many left. The trees are protected, but there are loopholes in the laws and it’s easy for people to say the trees are dangerous because that branch looks like it could fall any day and hit someone on the head so we’d better knock the whole thing down and replace it with a concrete driveway and double garage.

            Gah, from China to people destroying rare trees. I need a happy topic dammit! 😉

  2. LOL
    [quote]Amnesty International’s apolitical stance[/quote]

    Funny how a person or organization seems aplotical when they essentially agree with your own point of view. Personally, I’m inclined to take anything the current Iranian governemnt says before I’d accept anything from AI.

    My apologies go out to all who were just offended by this hostile, confrontational and completely unreasonable post.

    1. AI
      The great thing about Amnesty International is they’d even fight for your rights if you ever suffer the misfortune of being persecuted for your beliefs, Anonymous. Even trolls have rights.

      1. Well, isn’t that just tragic.
        I’m sure that was said with all the love, compassion, open-mindedness and tolerance you could muster.

        Don’t address the criticisms of an organization like AI, just insult the person giving you a link to those criticisms. Brilliant!

        My apologies go out to all who were just offended by this hostile, confrontational and completely unreasonable post.

          1. Thanks for that link
            In this age of human dettachment, we whould definitely need more guys like him around.

            It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
            It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

            Red Pill Junkie

          2. Definition
            Troll (n)
            1. Anyone who uses the comment system to….uh…leave comments. Comments that some people don’t like or want to hear.

            2. Anyone who dares challenge or question a theory, position or postulation that is generally considered to be true, more often through consensus and group-thing rather than evidence.

            I prefer this one:

            Troll (v)
            The act of trailing a baited hook to see which gullible fish bite on it. Then fry them up and serve them with lemon and a nice wine.

            My apologies go out to all who were just offended by this hostile, confrontational and completely unreasonable post.

      2. Edit
        I see you replaced “assholes” with “trolls”. I thank AI for interceding on my behalf.


        My apologies go out to all who were just offended by this hostile, confrontational and completely unreasonable post.

    2. Double Standards
      Source Watch is a wiki, and is hardly impartial or objective. In the footnotes, it’s noted that the FOX network quoted the article! Hardly a stellar endorsement.

      Amnesty International as an organisation and its charter is completely apolitical — any bias is entirely the fault of individuals using AI for their own agendas. Yes, there are individuals within the organisation who subvert it for their own agendas, but they’re the minority. I’ve had first-hand experience of this and those responsible weren’t tolerated for long. Everyone I’ve been involved with at AI have championed its ideals to the letter and are inspirational. And before you twist my words, I’ve stated many times, quoting Daniel Brenton’s excellent piece, that just as many men and women in the military and government are honest, hard-working people not directly involved in any conspiracy.

      It’s also funny how you only agree with sources that suit your argument, Anonymous. You continually refuse to acknowledge valid criticism of the US military and government, and valid evidence of GW, so you’re hardly in a position of righteous superiority.

      If I ever wind up breaking rocks in a Chinese gulag, I’d trust in AI more than any government or military.

      1. Both Ways
        “the FOX network quoted the article! Hardly a stellar endorsement.”

        A quote from Fox News!!!? My God.

        Relative to most of YOUR sources…yes, it’s a stellar endorsement.

        “It’s also funny how you only agree with sources that suit your argument”

        Duh. Like I’m supposed to use Jimmah Carter quotes to support my opinion?! At any rate, it’s good thing you don’t do this. Otherwise your whole double standard point would come right back to you. Never the less, I make such posts in response to silly comments others make, so I guess you could say that I’m providing a service by offering a small amount of balance to an issue.

        And you are quick to trust any person or organization that is consistantly and reliably critical of the U.S. Oh, and you continually refuse to acknowledge valid evidence of non-human made GW (or GW on the whole). But I’m happy to see you ackowledge the problems within AI vis-a-vis people using AI for political ends. If the people within AI that are doing that are a minority, then they are powerful and persistant minority. So even leftists should have a problem with that. Unless, that is, you are alredy inclined to believe that the U.S. is a worst human rights violator than Cuba. FREE (the cop killer) MUMIA! But hey, if you love Palestinian terror groups, then AI has got your back!

        My apologies go out to all who were just offended by this hostile, confrontational and completely unreasonable post.

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