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(Video) Moonshine, UFOs & Tarot

My friend and colleague Susan Demeter sent me a link to this lovely video sometime ago, and I thought it could be a nice palate cleanser for our readers to take their minds away from ‘historical events’ that seem to be happening every other day nowadays.

This is an episode from the Paranormal Matters Youtube channel with Rick Fehr, in which he and guest Megan Baxter discuss the symbology surrounding the Moon card in the UFOlogy Tarot deck that my friends and I released a year ago.

What I like about this conversation —aside from the praise they both give to our work— is the fact that they both fully get the point about the card’s imagery, even if they may not have had previous knowledge about the two main characters portrayed in it (Gray Barkey and Jim Moseley, two of the most colorful members of the American UFO scene in the 1950s-70s). Rick and Megan are certainly the people we had in mind when we developed the project in the first place: open-minded and curious individuals willing to explore the UFO mystery from a right-brain approach, instead of remaining stuck with an analytical mindframe.

The other thing I enjoy when I receive feedback from the owners of one of our decks, is getting to absorb a perspective that aligns with my way of thinking and yet also differs from it somewhat. When we developed the booklet accompanying each deck box, as well as the special edition coffee table book that came as a separate reward in the crowdsourcing campaign, we made sure not to explain every single element within the cards, because we wanted to leave room for personal discovery and ambiguity. Thus Megan’s comments about how the card represented in a way the transitory nature of UFO research, which keeps changing from moment to moment while at the same time remaining the same (like the little stream flowing from the forefront towards the horizon in the background) caught me by surprise, because I never thought about it in that way —and I’m supposed to be the one who designed and drew the thing!

So kudos to Rick and Megan, and hopefully in the future Paranormal Matters can continue to explore the hidden meaning(s) behind the UFOlogy Tarot.

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