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News Briefs 05-02-08

Sublime and ridiculous.

  • Navy tests incredible sci-fi weapon.
  • Keeping your brain fit.
  • Ocean hydrocarbons made from rocks.
  • Why were the 911 tapes destroyed?
  • Were the Caesars astronauts?
  • Plasma life forms: aliens from a parallel earth.
  • But is it really exercise?
  • The X-ray jets of Circinus X1.
  • An altar beyond Olympus for a deity predating Zeus.
  • Drop of blood can predict future diseases.
  • Turning physics on its ear.
  • Ancient Nasca iron ore mine discovered.
  • Ayahuasca: a strange brew.
  • Should fluoride be forced upon us?
  • Mendel upended.

Quote of the Day:

The multitude of books is making us ignorant.


  1. Plasma life forms
    Brilliant theoretical explanation, though I’m not sure why he limits the scope to Earth’s magnetosphere.

    I remember trying to explain this in terms of solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas, but with no acedemic background in physics, I’m afraid it was a rather stumbling effort. It’s nice to see a more coherent presentation. Thanks, Jameske.

    For more, visit Jay Alfred’s blog: Plasma Metaphysics.


    1. very interesting
      I find a lot of correlations between these concepts and the latest novel of Whitley Strieber, 2012, the war for souls (worth checking out, IMO) —although in the novel he deals with parallel universes instead of a plasmasphere.

      There should be studies conducted to see if there’s any truth about this bio-plasma that forms part of each and any human being. Of course, we may not be able to do that until we understand more about what exactly IS dark matter (the current scientific Supersymmetric theory bets most of the money that neutralinos are the best candidates for dark matter, but the money is pretty much still on the table).

      It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
      It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

      Red Pill Junkie

      1. Keeping us in the dark . . .
        [quote=red pill junkie]Of course, we may not be able to do that until we understand more about what exactly IS dark matter (the current scientific Supersymmetric theory bets most of the money that neutralinos are the best candidates for dark matter, but the money is pretty much still on the table).[/quote]

        My money is on dark matter (and dark energy) eventually determined to be mathematical constructs invented to support our current mythology. See this link, regarding the factual basis of the Big Bang Theory at American Scientist:

        Today’s headline about looking for evidence to support what we already believe speaks to the power of our personal paradigms.

        It’s that pesky consciousness thing again.

        1. I agree
          At some point it almost feels like dark energy & matter are theoretical patches for the Standard Theory to cope with the fact that we don’t know why the bloody hell the universe is expanding faster and faster!

          Einstein always thought that his “cosmological constant” had been his biggest blunder in life, and now the cosmologists have bring LAMBDA (as it is used in the equations) back, but explained as the action of dark energy.

          Browsing through the net I found the comment of a particle physicist working at CERN, it was so refreshing to see the humility of some of this great minds when dealing with our great ignorance:

          [quote]”It’s better when we are wrong than when we are right […]Things are really interesting when we don’t understand them. That’s a good position for a scientist.”[/quote]
          Alvaro de Rujula, a theoretical physicist at CERN

          BTW, I’m gonna put a news about dark matter tomorrow. I hope you’ll like it.

          It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
          It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

          Red Pill Junkie

          1. Patching Reality Together
            [quote=red pill junkie]At some point it almost feels like dark energy & matter are theoretical patches for the Standard Theory to cope with the fact that we don’t know why the bloody hell the universe is expanding faster and faster![/quote]

            You’d enjoy the article I linked earlier – Disney points out that even inflation can be viewed as an ugly patch. What many don’t realize is that the whole idea of an expanding universe is based on the assumption that red-shift equals distance, and there have been many anomalous observations, most notably cataloged by Halton Arp, that call that assumption into serious question.

            Pure science has lost it’s bearings through its conflation with materialism, and it shows up in multiple fields.

          2. Disney
            When you wish upon a star, eh? 😉

            It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
            It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

            Red Pill Junkie

  2. Drop of blood can predict future diseases
    Sounds great. But what would be the cost ($$) of such a test?

    And would insurance companies force their customers to take said test before approving a policy?

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

  3. Plasma Life Forms – Aliens from a Parallel Earth
    Maybe this was a brilliant essay on cutting edge physics but quite frankly i laughed my tits off.

    Obviously i didnt understand a word he was on about, well actually i understood the words, it was just the sequence. I also know he’s written some books, which helped prove his hypothesis. Genius !

    I still dont know whether it was written by a bot, was a random jumbling of words or a lost Mighty Boosh episode.

    1. Brilliantly loopy?
      With good reason, I didn’t say I thought his explanation was technically correct. But I did think it was a decent effort at reconciling esoteric ideas (Alice Bailey, Douglas Baker, etc.) with modern physics — quite a difficult task if for no other reason than, in esoteric literature, words have such idiosyncratic definitions, it’s hard to reconcile them with standard English, much less theoretical physics.

      See Bailey’s The Consciousness of the Atom for a more rigorous explanation (keeping in mind that Bailey said this in a series of lectures in
      September, 1922).


      1. Had consensual communication been invented in 1922 ?
        I have to agree that a lot of effort had been put into it.

        Theres a a competition somewhere each year where people roll a large cheese down a hill and chase after it. Round these ere parts its a straw race where you have to carry a bail of straw around ‘x’ number of pubs and have a drink at each and then there is that party game where you have to spin around a broom stick until you fall over.

        Obviously i’m trying to show something far deeper here!

        Love peace and magic

        1. consensual communication?
          Never heard of ‘consensual communication’, but it sounds like you’re heavy into consensus reality. That’s kind of a ‘lowest common denominator’ sort of thing that almost all of us have to participate in to one degree or another just to keep body and spirit together, but most people think being there all the time is rather tedious. Gotta have a few of those ‘peak experiences’, now and then, to really keep the ole juices flowing. 😉


          1. Sounds like…..
            Sounds like youve taken my post a tad more seriously than it was intended. I was merely commenting on the appearance of a ‘Dawkins bating’ article (could grow into a cool new sport!) Ive never heard of ‘consensual communication’ either, i made it up, but it sounds like you would rather me use ‘known’ phrases, it sounds as if your into consensus reality…..

            Tee hee, sorry ! But now you come to mention it, call me lowest common denominator if you want, but i think there may be ‘something’ (if you’ll excuse the pun) in consensual reality, after all its difficult to educate people with chaos, but not too difficult to confuse them with education. Recognition can be good cos its lonely out there!

            peace love n magic

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