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News Briefs 31-12-2007

Happy New Year

Quote of the Day:

Humility is the best part of you remaining silent


  1. Twins reunited
    The good news is that these 2 women found each other after such a long time: the bad news that they were separated by a scientist as part of a research project. And worse still, these twins were dropped as participants from the project but they were still not told.

    If this had taken place in Germany in the 1930’s, it would have been deemed a sadistic act of the Nazi regime, but it seems the scientist, Dr Peter Neubauer, enjoys a different set of rules in late 20th Century America.

    Shame on him and all those involved in the project.


    1. Adoption Reality
      For most of the history of adoption, be it in the U.S. or anywhere in the world, the reality was that siblings were rarely able to remain together. A sad reality. To purposely do it in the name of research is nothing less than criminal I think.

      That being said, thanks for starting off 2008 with the obligatory comparison of the United States to Nazi Germany. I’m sure the victims of the Nazis always appreciate such comparisons, so I would expect nothing less (you know, because of my humility).

  2. Feliz Año Nuevo
    The weather is a little bit cold for my taste here at Puerto Vallarta, but nevertheless Happy New Year to all my fellow Grailers out there, wherever you are!!!

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

  3. mystery space machines
    excuse me, but has anyone thought to point a real, powerful telescope at these “stars” that jump about, instead of a camcorder? Come on- this is an obvios hoax! What am I missing????

    1. OK
      it probably is a hoax, but several years ago there was the $2.3 trillion that could not be accounted for in the Pentagon – those mystery space machines might just account for it. So, its worth reporting on – and leave it up to the individual to decide whether it is a hoax or not, or whether they wish to leave it unexplained – at least those that read and watch are informed of the possiblity.

      Prior to that there was 2001: A Space Odyssey somewhat cryptically, and Meteor that proposed weapons platforms.

      1. Pentagon Black Hole
        Many more TRILLIONS have gone into the Pentagon Black Hole than the 2.3 * 10^12 announced by Rumsfeld on 9/10/01. What timing! Also, coincidentally,
        the Pentagon’s accounting office was “all blown up, Sir” on the next morning.

        You can bet they have weapons in space – we need them for the next False Flag Terror Attack, The Extra-terroristrials!

        My only question is why are they aimed at us?

        As One with the Knowledge, and Magic of the Source – YES

    2. well actually….
      …..if you read all of it you would know that the cam corder only shows a bright star like ball. Then the “powerful telescope” shows it as a machine.
      Imagine that!

      “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

    3. Mystery Space Machines.
      I’m pretty sure this is a hoax, there’s too many holes in the story, plus, can no one else see the people in the images? Maybe I’m losing it, but the third picture from the bottom looks like a girl sitting on a wall, and the next one looks like someone walking, although they both look a bit like ‘greys’ I think its just part of the trick…

  4. electric universe
    they will keep being astonished and surprised for as long as they keep trying to define it as something it is not.

    so much to learn………….

    “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

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