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News Briefs 11-12-2007

Sorry about the lateness. That time of the month.

  • Microsoft’s mind reading patent.
  • Mars Rover finds signs of microbial life.
  • Ancient stone circle found in Skane.
  • Rapid acceleration in human evolution described.
  • New dinosaur discovered in Antarctica.
  • Brain scans: the new snake oil.
  • NASA aims to look inside the moon to solve mysteries.
  • Craig Venter’s DNA driven world.
  • Energy source of Northern Lights found.
  • How to give credit where credit is due. Or a mark of the pointlessness of some research.
  • To the moon in a minivan.
  • Triton’s ice geysers.

Quote of the Day:

Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce

  1. NASA aims to look inside the moon to solve mysteries
    And the name of the project?




    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

      1. Thanks for the Link
        But I’ve had nothing but trouble with the Google Video download. Its good for about 2 and a half mins. Then it just freezes. No matter the video. I’ll see what Youtube has in the Thunderbolt video collection.

        1. A Big Electric WOW
          Now gravity make sense. Its a by-product of an electro/magnetic universe. When I get back from my Grandmother Funeral next week, I’m scootering down to the library and check out a few books on the subject. Or see what Powell’s Books downtown has.

          Red Pill do you have 1-2 books that you recommend on the subject?

          Interestingly enough my Great-Grandfather was one of the first electrical engineers. Was the head electrical engineer on 4 of the locks on the Panama Canal. Almost didn’t get to marry my Great-grandma because of all that shady electricity stuff:)

          1. sorry
            I don’t have any books on the subject, but I’m really thinking about getting “The Electrical Universe”, which seems to cover the topics discussed in the doco “Thunderbolts of the Gods”.

            I don’t know, what I find appealing about this scientific angle is that it could fit pretty nicely with all the things that stem from the so-called mayan prophecies of the end of the world. The prophecies talk about a ray of energy that originates from the galactic center and ends up affecting our sun and the entire solar system (Earth and us included of course). In the standard cosmological model that doesn’t make any sense, but if we accept the fact that there are currents of energy flowing from several celestial objects the way the electrical cosmological model posits, well… then things turn pretty interesing 🙂

            It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
            It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

            Red Pill Junkie

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